Here are the girls waiting to go backstage
They all have a certain spot at the table assigned to them. Kayla is "Lullaby 2". Their shoes are under their chair, their hats are on the table, and their munchkin outfit is on the back of their chair.
Here is Kayla at her spot
Once it is 30 minutes to curtain they can start getting dressed. Kayla's costume consists of several layers. They are all pretty heavy. The costumes were already assigned to them before they got there based off some measurements we had sent in. It also depends on the part they are playing. There are 2 lullaby, 2 lollipop, 4 band memebers, and 4 officials. Kayla was so excited to be a lullaby because they get to wear a dress.
They first put on their beautiful socks
When the hair people arrive, the kids have to get in their seats and wait their turn. It does not matter if they are finished getting dressed or not.Here is Kayla waiting her turn
Wardrobe continues working on them
Another adjustment from wardrobe
The munchkin wranger was who rehearsed the girls yesterday. Before showtime tonight she came for a visit. Here she is going over some notes regarding changes/corrections that needed to be made in show tonight.
The Wizard of Oz comes by every show to visit with the girls. He just spends some time with them talking about life in the theater. Tonight it was all about how to get a job like his.
During the second act the girls are Winkies. They are not on stage very much in these outfits. Here is wardrobe helping Kayla into her costume.
Here are the girls with their wardrobe lady, Annie. She is super nice. She works for the PAC in Tulsa, so it was really fun talking to her about some of the other shows that have been there. She does a wonderful job helping the kids. She is with them every show.
One show backstage was enough for me. I am looking forward to watching the show from the audience again tomorrow!