It was a very exciting morning in our house - the first day of school. Kayla set her alarm for 6:45 and it woke both her and Caroline up. Caroline had her backpack on by 7:00 and was ready to go. She told me she did not need to eat breakfast because they were going to have snack at school. I tried explaining to her that it was over 3 hours until snack time. She did not care and she was not going to eat the pancakes that I got up early to make.
Both girls were very excited. We were out the door before 8:00 to take our annual first day of school pictures.

Caroline insisted I get a picture of her with her new backpack.

Ready for 3rd grade

First day of all day pre-k

We then walked down the street to meet up with Libby and Mallory. Here the girls are watching their friends get their pictures made.

Here they all are ready to go. Caroline, Libby, Kayla and Mallory pose for a quick picture.

It has become tradition for us to all walk to school together on the first day. This is the first year Caroline has not been in her stroller. Is my baby really that big?

This is the main entrance to the school. We are taking Kayla to her class first. There is a chance I might be crying when I drop off Caroline so that comes last.

We ran into Miss Conway in the hall. She was Kayla's second grade teacher. I absolutely love her. Too bad she will be leaving to go be a principal somewhere else before Caroline makes it to 2nd grade.

This is Kayla with Mrs. Keizor. She seems like she is going to be a wonderful teacher. She told Kayla she might cry every time she says Kayla's name. Her daughter is named Kayla, and she just left yesterday for OSU.

Kayla was patient enough to pose for a picture with her teacher, but she could not get out of the door to the playground fast enough!

It was then time to walk Caroline to her class. I just can't believe she is big enough to be in real school. Her backpack is as big as she is!

One more picture before heading in for a day of fun and learning.

Just more!

She put her backpack in her cubby, gave her lunch money to here teacher, picked out a book, and got ready to sit on her place on the rug (the purple triangle).

My baby girl did such a great job doing what she was supposed to do!

I had to take one last picture through the window in the door. She is growing up so fast.

I can't wait to find out how the day went for both of the girls.
Love the pics. I made all my friends look at my sweet girls. Sounds like Kayla, Caroline and Mother did OK. :-)
awwww! she's too little for all day school!
Hope they have a great day. they look super cute
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